
Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine (SILAE) with the aim of showing the experiences achieved in the development of Medicinal Plants in recent years of work, and based on strategies developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Medicine Green has become a common practice for Cuban and International Science, to which multiple sectors of society have been integrated that ensure its development for the production of phytomedicines, phytopharmaceuticals, functional foods, natural condiments, cosmetics and multiple forms of their worldwide commercialization based on Bionatural. That is why the Italo Latin America Society of Ethnomedicine (SILAE) the National Group of Medicinal Plants of the Cuban Association of Agricultural and Forestry Technicians, are pleased to invite researchers, innovators, specialists, educators, scientists, sociologists, economists, businessmen and policy makers who work for the well-being of society and the sustainability of our planet to the XXVIII International Congress of the SILAE Foundation. This will take place from September 16 to 20, 2019, at the Convention Center in Havana, Cuba. Experts of recognized national and international prestige will give keynote lectures and symposiums, workshops and congresses will be held on priority issues of national and international impact. Parallel to the event, an Associated Exhibition Fair, Natural 2019, will be organized, which will facilitate the exhibition of products and services derived from the results achieved in technologies, projects and experiences in the disciplines to be addressed. The Organizing Committee reiterates the invitation to participate with their professional contributions, with the guarantee that we will achieve common objectives in pursuit of promoting sustainable science for the improvement of the quality of human

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A study discovered the role of carbon dioxide in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders

A recent study has discovered the significant role of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders, shedding new light on how environmental factors may contribute to these complex diseases. Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s own cells, and researchers now suggest that...Read More

Alterations in Tissue Structure and Morphology in Apo E-KO Mice: The Impact of Dietary Lipids and Heart Transplantation

In this article, the impact of dietary lipids and heterotopic heart transplant procedures on the structure and morphology of several tissues in apolipoprotein E-knock out (apo E-KO) mice is reported. In particular, addition of dietary cholesterol, plant sterol or either changes in hemodynamic factors or immunological responses after heart transplant...Read More

Pattern of Chromosome Abnormalities Related to Male Infertility in Senegal: A Prospective Study of 67 Cases

Introduction: Infertility may result from male or female factors or a combination of both. It is known that male factors are responsible for 50% of all infertility. Genetics is part of the management of male infertility, and karyotyping is highly recommended in men with nonobstructive azoospermia, severe oligozoospermia (sperm...Read More